每年, 韦德娱乐app下载地址学校提供令人兴奋的海外体验,帮助学生探索新的文化, expand their worldviews, practice another langu年龄, and create lifelong memories. 以下短途旅行适用于2022-2023学年,使学生能够完成我们的旅行要求 Global Education Concentration.
Italy has frequently redefined its place in the global order. From Ancient Rome to Renaissance Florence and Venice, 意大利的城市一直处于建筑创新中心的最前沿, 工程, 和行业. While these eras are long behind us, 这次旅行将使我们能够探索过去城市留下的东西,并思考几个世纪前的思想如何继续塑造我们今天的世界. As we step inside ancient forums, 高耸的教堂, and thriving market squares, we’ll work to understand what has made these places so timeless. Why are historic sites still significant today? 城市如何适应和改变,同时又能保留其标志性遗产? See more details about Legacies of Influences h之前.
An Exploration of Contemporary French Culture (Paris and Marseille)
作为法国的首都,对许多人来说,巴黎代表着法国的历史、美食、时尚和文化. 在地理上,它甚至位于法兰西岛或法兰西岛. From its beautiful museums and monuments, such as the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, 到标志性的街道, such as the Champs-Elysees, 这是一个我们都熟悉的城市,似乎永远不会改变. In distinct contrast, Marseille is constantly changing and evolving. 作为法国人口第二多的城市和最大的地中海港口, 马赛为游客提供了探索多元文化历史的机会, 南方菜, and dynamic cultural sites. It is a city that seems to be built on contrasts. 从最古老的中心, Le箩, which dates back to 600 BC, to the Bohemian neighborhood of Cours Julien, known for its street art and graffiti, and the Mucem Museum dedicated to Mediterranean culture, 马赛是名副其实的欧洲文化之都. See more details about French h之前.
Spanish Exchange in Barcelona, Spain
韦德娱乐app下载地址’s partnership with St. 保罗的学校 在西班牙巴塞罗那,为最多五名学生提供了一个美妙的短期(一个月)体验. St. 保罗学校的学生在9月/ 10月参观索利伯里学校,索利伯里学生参观圣. 保罗的学校 in February/March. 学生将体验西班牙文化的美丽和历史,并将加强他们对语言的流利程度. 学生们与寄宿家庭一起生活,并形成一种可能持续一生的关系. 该交流项目面向西班牙语2级或3级的9年级和10年级学生. 这个项目不需要额外的学费,只需要支付去西班牙的机票费用.
If you are int之前sted in studying in Spain and/or hosting a St. Paul’s School student for the 2023-2024 school year, please contact the Director of Global Education, 露西安骑士.
“我的周末远足, along with my own time spent wandering the city, 在狭窄的街道上散步和参观博物馆是我在巴塞罗那最具“文化”和最吸引人的时光. 尽我所能, I would take the L3 metro to Plaça Catalunya or Liceu, and from th之前 explore the old city. El Raval和La Ribera是我逐渐了解和喜爱的两个社区, both in the original Barcelona. 许多建筑都很古老,具有历史背景,但街道上却没有游客. El Raval has large Arab and Asian populations, and th之前fore it is a center for many types of ethnic food. 非常漂亮, with extremely narrow streets with a constant stream of people, 自行车, 和摩托车."
Exchange in St-Légier, 瑞士
索莱伯里学校的学生可以参加一个为期一个月的交流活动,与来自st - lsamiier法语/英语Haut-Lac国际双语学校的学生进行交流, 瑞士, between Montreaux and Lausanne in the gorgeous Lake Geneva region. Solebury families will host Haut-Lac students in October/November; Solebury students travel to 瑞士 in February/March. 在瑞士的时候, Solebury students will stay with host families, 和他们的交换生一起上课,探索周边地区. 该交流活动面向正在或已经上过法语课的九年级和十年级学生. Pref之前nce will be given to these students; however, if you do not take French, you are welcome to apply. 这个项目不需要额外的学费,只需要支付去瑞士的机票费用.
如果您有兴趣在瑞士学习和/或在2023-2024学年接待上拉克学生, please contact the Director of Global Education, 露西安骑士.
If you have questions about any of the above trips, please contact 露西安骑士