Learning Support Programs
几十年来,. 索利伯里学校已经认识到,并不是所有即将进入大学的学生都以同样的方式学习. Our Learning Support Program was founded in the 1980s, a progressive endeavor for its time, and it continues to offer transformative experiences for students today. 该项目帮助学生通过了解自己的优势来发挥他们的潜力, 克服弱点, and teaching them to advocate for themselves. 多年来, students in our Learning Support programs have been honor students, 杰出的艺术家, 明星运动员, and student leaders at 韦德娱乐app下载地址.
Academic success follows when we meet students on their level, 他们感到安全, 支持, 和尊重, 从那里开始, we can foster 成长th and encour年龄 students to push their own boundaries. 在Solebury, 我们认识到, capable students come with a variety of learning profiles; therefore, 我们提供各种各样的学习支持计划,旨在为我们校园的所有学生提供服务.
老师为所有学生发声,并帮助安排住宿,以最好地帮助他们获得和展示在课堂上教授的技能和知识. 然而, 该计划的一个关键目标是为学生提供为自己辩护的工具和信心, as they will need to do in college.
我们的年级水平英语基础课程是专门为那些在语言学习任务中挣扎的学生设计的. 课程由一名英语老师进行小组教学,他也是一名学习专家, 课程是专门为满足年级水平的英语课程目标而设计的,同时满足每个学生的个人学习需求. To build on strengths and bolster weaknesses in reading and writing, 英语基础教师区分教学和进度作业,为发展技能和学术成长提供适当的支持. 空间有限, 该计划的录取取决于学术筛选和注意到的挑战. There is an additional fee for this class.
Bridge和Bridge Plus
Bridge和Bridge Plus项目帮助那些被多动症阻碍成功的学生, executive functioning challenges, or difficulty expressing ideas in writing. 学生参加完整的课程安排,并以最多三人为小组与学习专家会面,以帮助他们保持正轨, 完成作业, and develop strategies to achieve the success their intelligence merits. 这个课程可以作为学生从个性化英语课程过渡的“桥梁”. 对一些学生来说, 它是一座桥梁,从一个不同的学术环境到索伯里的严谨, college-preparatory program. 为他人, 它将一个善意但未完成任务和未完成工作的过去与一个充满信心的更光明的未来联系起来, 能力, and pride in a job well done. 满足学生的需求, we offer several levels of Bridge support: Bridge Plus, which meets nearly every day; Bridge, which meets every other day, 我们还为那些觉得自己可能不需要一整年的桥梁支持的学生提供一个三个月的桥梁支持计划. 空间有限 and there are additional fees for these programs.
索伯里大学为有数学学习障碍的学生提供辅助性课程. 有数学困难的学生有机会报名参加我们的 代数概念, 代数概念, 和几何概念课程,以满足索伯里数学的毕业要求. These small classes help students gain confidence and conquer anxiety, and may include multisensory teaching and appropriate technology.
了解更多有关 数学支持计划 here.
Support Resources for All Students
虽然上述项目为一些学生提供了更正式和更集中的支持系统, 所有韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的学生都有以下资源来帮助他们作为学生和年轻人茁壮成长:
在Solebury, we strive to support all of our learners. While many students benefit from the formal Learning Support programs, others need less intensive and/or less frequent support. For these students, we offer 提高. 3点到3点半之间(在我们每天的会议期间,所有老师都可以和学生一起工作), the Learning Support 教师 is available for drop-in help, to provide guidance with study strategies, 考试技能, 时间管理, 组织, 优先级, 等. Students can come as needed, or drop in regularly. There is no fee for this support, and 所有的学生 are welcome!
虽然上述项目为一些学生提供了更正式和更集中的支持系统, 所有韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的学生都有以下资源来帮助他们作为学生和年轻人茁壮成长:
Spartan Performance Academy
Strength and conditioning coaches help students relieve stress, 树立信心, and inspire a love of exercise.
As needed, School Counselor Julie Laing, M.S. helps students work through problems, developing grit and resiliency.